Tuesday 30 June 2015

One Thing You Need to Do to Get Things Done

What is it about human nature that we tend to put things off? Is it laziness that we can't get ourselves to start doing the things we need to do? Or is it because we don't have the time? We seem to be busy doing 101 little daily things that we don't have any time left over for the big important tasks. Or are we such perfectionists that we're waiting for the perfect time when everything is in place and ready?

Stuck in the Daily Grind

No wonder then that most of us can't get anything done! If this sounds like you then you'll be stuck in a life of the mundane. You can't get out of it because you're doing the same thing over and over. You tell yourself that you don't have the time. So on and on you go, doing the little things that get you nowhere. And on and on you go, waiting for the perfect time that never comes around.

How to Get Off the Daily Grind

It's time to stop spinning your wheels and do something differently to get results. You need to start somewhere and the best place to start is to have a goal. If you don't have at least one goal then you won't know where you're going. You need something to lead you out of the mundane. Without a goal you won't have a purpose so you'll be aimlessly going from one thing to another.

The One Thing You Need to Do First

Setting your goals is the start of getting things done. It is like the star that guides you in the darkness of the night. If you can see it then you'll know which routes to take to get there.

Sometimes, though, you can have too many goals that you don't know which ones to aim for. It can get confusing so you'd have to focus only on the most important and urgent ones. You'd need to get rid of the small trivial things and pass on the ones that others can do for you.

When you've narrowed your list of goals down to the few significant ones, you will get a clearer picture of where you're going. You can then concentrate your energies on finding ways to reach them and finally have them checked off your list.

Go ahead and write all your goals down - everything that you need and want to do. Then go back and choose a couple of important ones.

Challenge to Get Started on Your Goals

What better way to get your goals done then to challenge yourself? Challenge yourself to get your goals down for the coming year by the end of this month. If you give yourself a time limit then it will feel more urgent and you will more likely push yourself to do it.

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