Monday 14 February 2011

My achievement - Be encouraged 2

In the first note, I introduced myself as an author and encouraged everyone to live the dream. In this concluding note I give my secret to achievement.

Here are my steps to achievement.

6 keys in preparing to achieve

1. Know who you are: do not confuse your whereness with your whoness
2. Faith: visit your future by faith. Believe in your own success.
3. Decision: decide to accomplish your dreams and do not let anything come in your way
4. Association: who are around you, the sort of people around you will kill or make you. Evaluate your relationships.
5. Focus: be focussed, have the ability to see where no one can. Run with your dream, have an attitude of I will not give up.
6. Be proactive: achievement does not happen without an action. You cannot sit down and wait for something to happen. Make it happen, start taking steps no matter how small it is.

7 keys to achievements

1. Write the thought/dream/idea down
2. Have a plan: planning is essential in the actualisation of your dream, have deadlines.
3. List your options: the more options, the more power you have in your hands
4. Have a backup plan: failure to anticipate is the root cause of so many dreams dying.
5. Calculate the cost
6. Get the skill: be wise, be knowledgeable in the area of your dream, the more you learn, the more you earn.
7. Measure/review your progress

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