Tuesday 30 June 2015

One Thing You Need to Do to Get Things Done

What is it about human nature that we tend to put things off? Is it laziness that we can't get ourselves to start doing the things we need to do? Or is it because we don't have the time? We seem to be busy doing 101 little daily things that we don't have any time left over for the big important tasks. Or are we such perfectionists that we're waiting for the perfect time when everything is in place and ready?

Stuck in the Daily Grind

No wonder then that most of us can't get anything done! If this sounds like you then you'll be stuck in a life of the mundane. You can't get out of it because you're doing the same thing over and over. You tell yourself that you don't have the time. So on and on you go, doing the little things that get you nowhere. And on and on you go, waiting for the perfect time that never comes around.

How to Get Off the Daily Grind

It's time to stop spinning your wheels and do something differently to get results. You need to start somewhere and the best place to start is to have a goal. If you don't have at least one goal then you won't know where you're going. You need something to lead you out of the mundane. Without a goal you won't have a purpose so you'll be aimlessly going from one thing to another.

The One Thing You Need to Do First

Setting your goals is the start of getting things done. It is like the star that guides you in the darkness of the night. If you can see it then you'll know which routes to take to get there.

Sometimes, though, you can have too many goals that you don't know which ones to aim for. It can get confusing so you'd have to focus only on the most important and urgent ones. You'd need to get rid of the small trivial things and pass on the ones that others can do for you.

When you've narrowed your list of goals down to the few significant ones, you will get a clearer picture of where you're going. You can then concentrate your energies on finding ways to reach them and finally have them checked off your list.

Go ahead and write all your goals down - everything that you need and want to do. Then go back and choose a couple of important ones.

Challenge to Get Started on Your Goals

What better way to get your goals done then to challenge yourself? Challenge yourself to get your goals down for the coming year by the end of this month. If you give yourself a time limit then it will feel more urgent and you will more likely push yourself to do it.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

5 Steps To Making Your Goals A Reality

Learning to set, keep, and fulfil your goals is essential to running your business. I am convinced that sales, planning, and marketing will go nowhere without a solid plan and goals to see you through. Goals will provide direction and a clear vision. People without goals will face difficulties in seeing the big picture of their success and will not be able to stay focused. I don't want this to be you. What I do want is for you to be able to build a bridge that can help you from where you are in your business now and where you want to be in future.

Five Steps to Setting Goals

Here are four steps that I return to often when looking for ways to improve my business and move forward.

Step 1: Begin with a Dream

The first step of setting goals is about dreaming about everything that you need to accomplish in your business. Your dreams will not need to be realistic at this point, so you should avoid limiting your thinking process to what you dream may actually become possible. Now, is the perfect time for you to consider every possibility because there are no boundaries to your aspirations. Start by writing your thoughts of where you want to see your business after five years on a piece of paper. You should not worry about how you will get there, just write down your every thought and possibility big or small.

Step 2: Consider Every Possibility

After writing down the possibilities, now it is the time to mull over every one of them. Repeat them to yourself inside your head. Write them down. Share them with a friend. You will find that during this exercise you will discover even more possibilities and opportunities for growth. After you've discovered which goals you would like to work on, try to focus on a significant idea and make an outline of what you think can be a part of the success of that goal. Use elements like word maps, thinking (or "bubble") maps, graphic organizers, or anything that will help you to conceptualize your plans.

Step 3: Sort your Options

In this step you will need to start sorting all your ideas and possibilities of your business which you have written down. It is very important for you to sort your ideas in some categories of importance. Place the most practical and useful ideas at the top of your list, and everything else goes below. Then, do what's always best to do on paper - RIP IT! Rip off anything that didn't make your top ten. Your top ten is what you're going to be focused on from now on. These are the goals you will live, breathe, eat, and sleep with until you've reached and exceeded them.

Step 4: Create a Plan to Focus on

By now you will have a list of specific, attainable, time based, and relevant goals. Begin with the first goal you've written down and elaborate on your process to fulfill it. Once you've done this for all your goals, DON'T WAIT! Start working on them right away. Don't feel like you have to rush through your list: move on to the second goal once the first one has been reached. Finish all of the items outlined in your goal before moving on. You'll find that being able to focus on what item (rather than several all at once) will help you a great deal. And finally...

Step 5: Celebrate

After you've completed your first goal - tell the world about it! Don't be shy, you've just done a great thing. Share it on your website, social media, and in-person to anyone who's interested. You'll not only get the word out about your business, but people LOVE it when others are in a good mood - because it's contagious! You'll most likely gain a new follower intrigued by what you're going to do next. So, what are you waiting for? Start dreaming!

Create Your Reality

Wednesday 17 June 2015

3 Life Lessons To Help You Achieve Your Goals

1. Time management

I think time management is something that no one's perfect at - I'm certainly far from the best at managing my time, but going to university did help me a lot. I learned that time is valuable and that I don't really gain anything by being disorganised. I find that if you don't manage your time, you don't get anything done and you're just going to end up getting stressed out. University is all about learning how to juggle work and life outside of work. It took me a while to learn that there is more than enough time to juggle both effectively. There's no point in freaking out about how much you have to do - the best thing to do is to just calmly get on with one of your tasks, then at least you're getting something done. You can get so much done once you appreciate how valuable time is.

2. 'Me' time

The main reason for me going to university was to further my career as an artist. Of course I wanted to learn from professionals and enjoy the whole experience, but ultimately I was there for my own benefit. I think it's important to focus on yourself every now and then. You have to stand on your own two feet to make your way in this world. You have a life and it's up to you how it plays out. If you always give in to other people, you're not going to be able to achieve what you want to achieve. It's important to have some 'me' time once in a while. Set aside some time to reflect on what you want and how you're going to go about realising that.

3. Sticking with it

University is a big commitment. It costs a ton of money and can take up several years of your life. One of the most important things I learned was that you just have to stick with it, even when times are tough - even though it's a fantastic experience, it isn't always going to be plain sailing. There are times when you wonder why you're there and what the point of all your hard work is. The main point of going to university is to complete your degree: you just have to persevere and always have the end result in mind to motivate you. Results aren't going to come to you unless you're prepared both time and hard work into achieving them

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Excuses - How To Self Sabotage By Making Excuses

Making excuses for why you don't have what you want in life does not get you any closer to having it. The best way to not be successful is to find a reason not to do something or make excuses for why you cannot do it. Here are the most common excuses people make.

"I forgot"

In the age of technology, there are multiple ways to remind yourself of something important. There are calendars that sync with your email as well as your smart phone. You can program alerts, notifications and reminders to go off at pre-selected times. Then there is always the good old-fashioned planner. If you have to get it done, write it on your planner. Set your alerts to tell you in time increments that allow you time to arrive to your destination in a timely fashion. If you have the money, hire a personal assistant to help you with those kinds of things.

"I don't have time"

If it's important to you, you will make time. Whether it is waking up early or going to bed late, making time for what is important to you is the only way to get it done. Even if you can only spare 30 minutes, that is 30 minutes of making progress.

"I don't have the money."

Just like making time, you will find money for what is important to you. In some cases, you may not have access to the total amount of money needed for something. However, there is always a work around. There are cheaper options. You can sell some unused items around your house. You can pester that person who owes you money. You can also borrow. There is always money for something you see the value in. Be honest with yourself and ask if that is a good enough excuse for not pursuing whatever it is that you think you don't have the money for.

"I didn't know."

If you have a smart phone or access to the internet, you have access to all the information you could need right at your fingertips. There is no reason to not know anything. The real reason you don't know is that you did not care to find out. There are plenty of free resources available. It's just a matter of deciding to tap into them.

"I'm scared."

Yes, stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different is scary. But what are you really scared of? Uncertain death? The reality is most things that make you uncomfortable are not putting you at risk of losing your life. Stepping out of your comfort zone will only allow you to grow. Experiences mold you into a well-rounded person.

Success is the result of making intentional actions toward your goals. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for why you cannot do something. Most of the time, you're just making excuses. There are many tools available to you to make sure you remember what you're supposed to do. You will make time and find money for things that you see value in. The internet and public library are at your disposal for free. Take the time to use them and find information you need. Don't be scared to do anything out of your norm, you can only benefit from the experience. No one ever created a success story by staying in their comfort zone. Stop making excuses and start making things happen.


Tuesday 2 June 2015

5 Reasons Why Goal-Setting Will Make Your Life More Amazing

Goals. We've heard about them most of our lives. But why should we set them? How will setting life goals increase the quality of our lives?

1) We become the empowered directors of our lives

"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." - Zig Ziglar

When we set goals, we're making it clear to ourselves, our families, our communities, and the entire Universe that THIS is what we want.

Clarity is power and by becoming clear on what it is that we want in our lives, it gives us greater focus and direction to enjoyably improve our lives... and as we grow, we have more to give which makes us feel more fulfilled.

2) Goal-setting allows us to transform our vision and dreams into reality

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

When we talk about our dreams, the truth is it's still a dream unless we've scheduled and planned it into our lives... that's when it becomes real.

Having a clear result, knowing our purpose for wanting to attain it, and have a chunked down action plan gives us the power to actively and measurably progress in any area of our lives.

3) We grow and become greater versions of ourselves

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Henry David Thoreau

I believe the purpose of setting and achieving our goals is for us to grow as a person. During our quests and journeys of accomplishing goals, we may be redirected towards a greater goal... a greater focus... however, throughout the process we grow and become better versions of ourselves. All the people, knowledge, experiences, mistakes, wins, challenges, and serendipitous encounters impact an expansion of our consciousness and growth as a greater, more whole human being.

4) We activate the RAS (reticular activating system) in our brain

The what???

Yes, the reticular activating system is what allows our subconscious mind to be able to find things in our environment that relate to what we want.

Your RAS is like a filter between the subconscious and the conscious mind as it brings your attention to whatever is relevant to you in the given moment.

The RAS can also be deliberately conditioned to bring relevant attention to whatever relates to your goals, desires and wants in life. This can be done by bringing focus and awareness to what your goals are by checking your goal-setting plan consistently, and also through utilizing visualization techniques.

5) They help us better self-actualize and upgrade our lifestyles

"Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance." - Brian Tracy

When we set life goals, take massive action towards attaining them, we end up learning and internalizing life lessons that expand our consciousness and bring out the new, greater, more whole version of ourselves. In this way, goal-setting allows us to improve in self-actualization: the realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.

As we achieve greater goals, we have the opportunity to upgrade our lifestyles... which can include living a healthier, more active and adventurous lifestyle that includes training and competing in Spartan Races, or enjoying a deeper, more loving and fulfilling relationship with our beautiful partner, or having more income and lifestyle freedom to work while we travel.

So... how can you utilize and amplify the power that goal-setting will give you in your life right now?

There are several ways...

- Creating a 1,3,5 and 10 year vision for each area of your life

- Chunking down that 10 year vision into 3 month progress benchmarks for the current year

- Creating vision boards and having them around your house in areas where you consistently will see them

- Having awesome accountability partners

- Creating a weekly and daily results-focused plan

Create your goals, align them with purpose for motivation and drive, and take massive and effective action towards creating 2015 the best year of your life... and those to follow even better!