Tuesday 17 February 2015

Top 7 Personal Development Tips to Help You Be Your Best

Most people are the victims of their own circumstances. What they don't understand is that often their circumstances are a result of the decisions they make. Sometimes bad things do happen to us, and these are things we have no control over. More often what happens to us is the result of the decisions we have made based on what we believe.
So how do you change all that? How do you get rid of limiting beliefs and feelings that no longer serve you? How do you attract positive things into your life? You do this by changing how you think. The problem is, how do you change what you think?
Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, changing what you believe to attract what you want starts one day at a time. The only time you have is now. When tomorrow comes, it will be today. Yesterday is gone, and since we can do nothing to change it, the best thing to do is learn from it, let it go and move on.
Here are seven things you can do to help you do just that:
1. Write in your journal daily.
If you don't have a journal, I highly recommend that you begin keeping one. The key here is not to write about what has happened to you. Write about the unresolved feelings you have over the issues in your life. When you do this, then you can let those feelings go. Letting negative feelings go will help you feel better.
I learned that by focusing on the unresolved feelings I had, instead of the people, places and things in my life, I could feel any way I wanted to. It was OK to feel the way I did. By acknowledging my feelings and then feeling them, they couldn't cause me to self sabotage anymore.
2. Meditate daily.
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to resolve anything. By meditating just 20 minutes per day, you can totally revolutionize your life. The reason is that meditation is calming. It helps you to relax, and it also helps you to stay in the moment.
Much of our stress comes from thinking about things in the past or worrying about future events, things we have no control over or can't change. When we let go of these things and focus on the moment we are in, then we can enjoy the moment and respond to those things we need to take care of now, not worry about things that may never happen.
3. Believe that you will win.
Henry Ford once said, "If you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you are right." What you believe is absolutely crucial to your success because it will influence the decisions you make.
You will make choices based on how you feel, not based on what is really happening or what is truly reality. You are not your circumstances. If your circumstances are based on your choices, then you can change your circumstances by changing your choices. Believe that you will win and you will.
4. Write goals and plans of action.
To have what you want you must know what you want. This is your starting point. Once you know what you want, then you need to set a goal and then create a plan of action to achieve that goal. Just make sure that your beliefs are in line with what you want. Otherwise you won't be happy with what you get when you get it.
5. Become well rounded.
What I mean by this is that want to get an education. Study all types of things like history, philosophy and other disciplines. Read the classics. Pay particular attention to works like "The Science of Getting Rich," by Wallace Wattles and "The Master Key System," by Charles Haanel. These works can help you develop self mastery in your life. They can also help you achieve the things you want to achieve. Being well rounded helps you understand the world better. More importantly, it helps you to understand who you are and find your purpose.
6. Use positive affirmations.
Wrong or negative thinking can be one of the worst things you can engage in. When we're negative and pessimistic, we tend to attract more negative and pessimistic into our lives. Like attracts like.
Affirmations help you develop the right mindset so that you bring these things into your life. The key here is to use repetition. The more you repeat these positive phrases, the more likely they are to sink deep into your subconscious where they take root and become an automatic part of your thinking.
7. Share personal growth with others.

Everything in the universe is made of energy and so everything is an energy exchange. What you send out into the universe will come back to you, so you want to send out positive. As Zig Ziglar says, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." By helping others, you will get what you want because what you send out into the universe comes back to you


Tuesday 10 February 2015

Unleashing the Female Goal-Getter Within

As women sometimes we give so much to others that we forget to do things for ourselves. We cater to the needs of others day after day, month after month, and year after year, and before we know it our dreams have been put on the back burner. If that is your story you can change it right now.
You deserve to achieve every dream that is in your heart, and you must begin to think that you deserve to be a goal-getter. Becoming a female goal-getter just means that you are a woman who is motivated, to achieve her goals and dreams. And it doesn't matter how long you have had your dream in your heart, you still have time to get it in your hands. Becoming a female goal-getter doesn't mean that you are selfish, and it doesn't mean that you are neglecting people or things around you, but what it does mean is that you are making a decision to go for what you want, in a very purposeful and powerful way.
Becoming a goal-getter also means that you are creating space in your life for you. More than likely if I ask you if you have any goals, you will say "yes." Because most of us do have goals, maybe we haven't shared them with anyone, or maybe we have, but most of us have something within, that we want to achieve. And it is not beneficial if we continue to move forward without mastering our goals.
What goal are you trying to achieve? What dream is in your heart, that you would love to get in your hands? What is something that you have wanted to do, but you haven't found the motivation to do it? Do you feel like it is too late? If you feel like it is too late, then I have good news for you. It is not too late, you can still take steps to become a goal-getter. This can get you on the path to happiness and feeling fulfilled.
You can even start becoming a goal-getter today, by putting your priorities in order. Set up a plan and make your goals happen. Do what you need to do to realistically reach your dreams. Set small goals that you can easily achieve, and then work on conquering bigger goals. Don't think about how much time has passed by, but think about the fact that you have this moment, to be all that you were born to be

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Your Best Life Awaits You When You Are Determined to Succeed

Many of us have heard these words before, my mind is made up and there is no stopping me. Those words represent a made up mind, the kind of which when set in motion results in achievement.
It is a good thing Thomas Edison did not give up on finding a way to improve incandescent lighting which is part of what we know as the the light bulb for home use. History tells us Edison tried and failed 10,000 times and ultimately his determined mind is what households around the world enjoy to this day.
The lesson for each of us to take from Thomas Edison is to be determined and do not throw in the towel when success eludes us. Determination must be part of your arsenal when it comes to achieving any level of success, remember this and you will succeed more times than not.
Our best life is possible when we tap into our infinite talent, gifts and determination. This trifecta is the ultimate success formula for transforming from impossible to the possible in life. Show me a successful person without determination and I will show you a person who will not achieve the success they so richly deserve.
Another key point to keep in mind is to know your purpose. So many people ask what their purpose is in life and I encourage them to dig deep for the fire burning on the inside of them. In other words, what do you love to do? Do you love something so much you would perform the work and or activity without pay?
Taking the burning desire to passion would be a great transition because that is exactly what is involved in the process. We must be passionate about what we want in life and perform at the level that crosses into the spectrum called your essence.
Your essence represents the very fiber of your being. To put it another way, once you tap into your essence you flow like the wind we cannot see but it exist none the less. Success is for the taking when we combine determination with a willingness to not quit on ourself, blend our gifts and talents and know what our purpose and passion is.
We can take all that we know and share it with everyone we know and create a purposeful greater good for humanity as a whole. You can live your best life possible when you are determined to succeed, start the process today.