Friday 21 November 2014

Finding Life's Purpose Away From Your Job

When I was in the military, I had a job where I felt like I was making a difference in the world. It was more than just a job, it was a calling and I looked forward to work every day. When I left the military after serving for 6 years, I had plans to find a career that was just as rewarding. More than anything, I wanted a job where I could make a difference in the world. Fate had other plans for me, though. Shortly after I left the Air Force, the economy crashed and the federal government, where I dreamed to work, was not hiring anyone. In fact, many places were not hiring due to the troubled economy. I managed to find a local job in my career field, but it did not give me the same sense of purpose the military had.
For a long time I struggled with a loss of a sense of purpose. I had gone from serving my country, willing to give all in its defence, to feeling like I was not doing anything worthy for the world or my fellow human. I wondered often if there were other military veterans who felt the same way when they left the service. Were they also experiencing a loss of a sense of purpose in their lives?
A few years ago, my grandmother, who was a wonderful and kind woman, passed away at the young age of 90. As I was struggling with this lost sense of purpose, I also had to struggle with the loss of a woman who was one of the strongest women I know. She beat cancer multiple times. She was independent and pretty healthy till the very end. She never stopped learning new things, and she always shared her knowledge with others. My mother told me once that my grandma used to tutor adults at her local library, helping them learn to read and write better.
One day, as I was struggling with my lost sense of purpose, I thought of my grandma and how she used to help people. I decided that if I could not find a job where I felt like I was making enough difference in the world, I would make a difference in the world outside of my job. I decided to honour my grandmother's memory, and signed up to volunteer at the West Michigan Literacy Centre, so I could also help an adult learn to read, speak and write better English. I have been volunteering for over a year now, and it is a very rewarding experience. I finally feel like I am helping to make the world a better place, even if it is only for one person. My learner is very passionate about learning, and we have so much fun with the nuances of the English language.
I have such a big love of learning, that I love to help others learn new things, too. I recommend that anyone out there who is struggling in a job where you do not feel like you are making a difference in the world, find something you are passionate about and use that passion to help others outside of your job. I only spend 2 hours a week with my learner, but I know it has already made a big difference to her. Don't get discouraged if you haven't found your dream job. Don't get discouraged if you feel like you could be contributing more to society. Go out and volunteer with an organization that shares your passion and you will find your sense of purpose.

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