Wednesday 10 December 2014

Creating Your Authentic Life

What is authenticity? What does it mean when it is applies to a person's life? Authentic means real, actual. So what is a real life? Am I hinting that you are living an unreal life? Of course not. However, living an authentic life means being true to yourself, your beliefs and your values. It means identifying your higher purpose and employing that in your daily life. Are you doing that and doing it consistently? If not this article is for you.
In order to identify your authentic self you need to examine your values, goals and beliefs to make sure they are all in alignment. You also need to rid yourself of any self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from doing the things you would like to do. Replace any self-limiting beliefs you have found with empowering beliefs that will allow you to move forward to live your authentic life.
Think of all the adjectives you would like to be used to describe you. Write them all down. Put a check by the ones you feel are consistent in your life right now. Put a box around the ones that are almost there. These constitute your higher self. You can add the others by practicing them until they too become a part of who you are and how you show up in life.
What will you need to consistently live your higher self? What do you believe about people who live authentic lives through their higher self? What would you have to believe about yourself to life an authentic life through your higher self? What could get in the way of you adopting that belief? What can you put in place to overcome any barrier that might come up? What can you do right now to take the first step to living an authentic life through your higher self?
When living your authentic life it is important to trust that the Universe is wise and that it will guide you to do the things that are right and that are aligned with your higher self. It will also reveal your higher purpose in life so that you can ensure that you are applying it in all the things that you do.
If you are having trouble living your authentic life, this would be a great time to hire a good, well-trained coach to help you out. Your coach can guide you through the process and be a support as your begin your journey.

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