Tuesday 3 February 2015

Your Best Life Awaits You When You Are Determined to Succeed

Many of us have heard these words before, my mind is made up and there is no stopping me. Those words represent a made up mind, the kind of which when set in motion results in achievement.
It is a good thing Thomas Edison did not give up on finding a way to improve incandescent lighting which is part of what we know as the the light bulb for home use. History tells us Edison tried and failed 10,000 times and ultimately his determined mind is what households around the world enjoy to this day.
The lesson for each of us to take from Thomas Edison is to be determined and do not throw in the towel when success eludes us. Determination must be part of your arsenal when it comes to achieving any level of success, remember this and you will succeed more times than not.
Our best life is possible when we tap into our infinite talent, gifts and determination. This trifecta is the ultimate success formula for transforming from impossible to the possible in life. Show me a successful person without determination and I will show you a person who will not achieve the success they so richly deserve.
Another key point to keep in mind is to know your purpose. So many people ask what their purpose is in life and I encourage them to dig deep for the fire burning on the inside of them. In other words, what do you love to do? Do you love something so much you would perform the work and or activity without pay?
Taking the burning desire to passion would be a great transition because that is exactly what is involved in the process. We must be passionate about what we want in life and perform at the level that crosses into the spectrum called your essence.
Your essence represents the very fiber of your being. To put it another way, once you tap into your essence you flow like the wind we cannot see but it exist none the less. Success is for the taking when we combine determination with a willingness to not quit on ourself, blend our gifts and talents and know what our purpose and passion is.
We can take all that we know and share it with everyone we know and create a purposeful greater good for humanity as a whole. You can live your best life possible when you are determined to succeed, start the process today.

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