Sunday 31 July 2016

4 Ways to Start Living a Purpose Driven Life

We have all been put on this earth for a reason. Sometimes we know what that reason is off the bat and sometimes we have to find it while finding ourselves. Once we find out what our purpose is, it inspires, motivates, and that same purpose drives our life.

This is a very liberating moment in our lives because once we find out what drives and motivate us we are free to point the energy to any vocation that we see fit.

So how do you start living a purpose driven life?

Here are 4 ways to do just that and like anything else it takes a mind set of want to, to gain that success that you need to have a purpose driven life.

1. Be clear on what comes naturally to you and use that. Taking these natural abilities can help you to have a strong purpose in life and have a purpose driven life through natural motivation that comes with natural talent.

2. Take a few minutes and write a clear statement making the statement of who you are and what you are meant to do here. This brings your purpose to the forefront and allows you to physically see what it is you think you should be doing. It also gives you a physical visual object to look at for motivation to gain another step into a purpose driven life.

3. Apply the creative process to your everyday life. Why the creative process? It is because it allows you to grow within your purpose and to make it a strong driving force in your life through your journey to success.

4. Don't allow yourself to stop driving towards your purpose in life. When you feel yourself loose motivation or something comes along within your life that starts to veer yourself away from your purpose, take the time to stop take a breath and regain what you need to still have that purpose driven force.

When you have your life purpose, you begin to see meaning and self worth in your life. You can use your purpose to help others and be successful. Through the journey it can be a very enjoying process if you have your purpose driving your life. So remember natural motivation, creative process, happiness, and success is all equal to a purpose driven life. There is no greater joy finding your doing in your heart what you're suppose to do

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